We are expanding and improving the REST api. At its heart is a simplified query syntax called RSQL for collection queries For query syntax see RSQL parser. In addition we simplify the reading of entities.


Read instance

Key Type Description
attrs Comma-separated string Defines which fields in the API response to select
_method HTTP method Tunnel request through defined method over default API operation


GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>/<entity_id>
GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>/<entity_id>?attrs=attr0
GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>/<entity_id>?attrs=attr0,attr1
GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>/<entity_id>?attrs=attr0(subattr0,subattr1),attr1(*)
POST http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>/<entity_id>?_method=GET
POST http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>/<entity_id>?_method=GET

Delete instance


DELETE http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>/<entity_id>


We use the RSQL HTTP/URL based query language:

Key Type Description
q Query string in RSQL RSQL query to filter the entity collection response
sort Query string in RSQL Defines how entity collection response is sorted
attrs Comma-separated string Defines which fields in the API response to select
start int Offset in resource collection
num int Number of resources to retrieve starting at start
_method HTTP method Tunnel request through defined method over default API operation
GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>
GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>?attrs=attr0
GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>?attrs=attr0,attr1
GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>?attrs=attr0(subattr0,subattr1),attr1(*)
GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>?sort=attr0
GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>?sort=attr0:asc
GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>?sort=attr0:desc
GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>?sort=attr0:desc,attr1
GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>?start=40&num=20
GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>?q=attr0==val
GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>?q=attr0!=val
GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>?q=attr0!=val;q=attr1=ge=5

See the MOLGENIS RSQL documentation for all supported operators in MOLGENIS and matching examples.


We also support aggregation of the result query:

Key Type Description
q Query string in RSQL RSQL query to filter the entity collection response
aggs Aggregation query string in RSQL Aggregation query to aggregate entities

The aggregation query supports the RSQL selectors 'x', 'y' and 'distinct' and the RSQL operator '=='. The selector 'x' defines the first aggregation attribute name, 'y' defines the second aggregation attribute name, 'distinct' defines the distinct aggregation attribute name.

GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>?aggs=x==attr0
GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>?aggs=x==attr0;y==attr1
GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>?aggs=x==attr0;y==attr1;distinct=attr2
GET http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/<entity_name>?aggs=x==attr0;y==attr1;distinct=attr2&q=attr4==val


When working with larger datasets the RESTv2 api provides batching via the 'entities' parameter:


To create/add a list of entities into a collection you can POST the 'entities' parameter to a collection:


POST http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/person
Content-Type: application/json

{entities: [
    "age": "101",
    "driverslicence": true
    "age": "102",
    "driverslicence": true


201 Created


    location: "/api/v2/Person?q=id=in=("1","2")"
    resources: [{
        href: "/api/v2/Person/1"
        href: "/api/v2/Person/2"

* href: "/api/v2/Person/2" returns a created resource
* location: /api/v2/person/?q=id=in=(1,2) returns all created resources


To batch update a list of entities of a collection you can PUT the 'entities' parameter to a collection:


PUT http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/person
Content-Type: application/json

{entities: [
    "id": 1,
    "age": "11",
    "driverslicence": true
    "id": 2,
    "age": "12",
    "driverslicence": true


204 No Content

Delete (since v3.0.0)

To delete a list of entities of a collection you can DELETE the 'entityIds' parameter to a collection:


DELETE http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/person
Content-Type: application/json

    entityIds: ["person0", "person1"]


204 No Content


    location: "/api/v2/Person?q=id=in=("1","2")"
    resources: [{
        href: "/api/v2/Person/1"
        href: "/api/v2/Person/2"

## One value

If you only want to change one attribute without needing to provide all other attributes:


PUT http://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/v2/person/age Content-Type: application/json

{entities: [ { "id": 1, "age": "1" }, { "id": 2, "age": "2" } ]}


204 No Content ```

results matching ""

    No results matching ""