The MOLGENIS python API client allows you to retrieve, create, update and delete entities using python.

Download from a molgenis server for instance using wget in the folder you want to run your molgenis api

wget https://molgenis.mydomain.example/

Now you can create a python script. To get started, you should import the python api, connect to a molgenis server and login:

import molgenis
session = molgenis.Session.("https://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/")

Always put the import and molgenis.Session in your script to make the api work.

Overview example

import molgenis
session = molgenis.Session.("https://molgenis.mydomain.example/api/")
my_table = session.get("package_entityName")

To get a full overview of all functions in the python api, download the following zip:





Argument Description Required Default
username Username for a registered molgenis user yes
password Password for the user yes



Logout from the MOLGENIS REST API and destroy the session.


session.getById("tableId", "rowId")

Retrieves a single entity row from an entity repository.

Argument Description Required Default
entity Fully qualified name of the entity yes
id The value for the idAttribute of the entity yes
attributes The list of attributes to retrieve no All attributes
expand The attributes to expand no None



Retrieves entities and returns the result in a dataframe.

Argument Description Required Default
entity Fully qualified name of the entity yes
q Query string in rsql/fiql format (see below) no None
start The index of the first row to retrieve (zero indexed) no 0
num The maximum number of rows to return (max 10000) no 100
attributes The list of attributes to retrieve no All attributes
sortColumn attributeName of the column to sort on no None
sortOrder The order to sort in no None

Supported RSQL/FIQL query operators (see

Operator Symbol
Logical AND ; or and
Logical OR , or or
Group ( and )
Equal to ==
Less then =lt= or <
Less then or equal to =le= or <=
Greater than =gt= or >
Greater tha or equal to =ge= or >=

Argument can be a single value, or multiple values in parenthesis separated by comma. Value that doesn’t contain any reserved character or a white space can be unquoted, other arguments must be enclosed in single or double quotes.


session.get("celiacsprue", num = 100000, start = 1000)
session.get("celiacsprue", attributes = c("Individual", "celiac_gender"))
session.get("celiacsprue", q = "(celiac_weight>=80 and celiac_height<180) or (celiac_gender==Female)")
session.get("celiacsprue", q = "(celiac_weight>=80;celiac_height<180),(celiac_gender==Female)")


session.add('Person', firstName='Jan', lastName='Klaassen')

Creates a new instance of an entity (i.e. a new row of the entity data table) and returns the id.

Argument Description Required Default
entity Fully qualified name of the entity yes
files Dictionary containing file attribute values for the no Empty dictionary
entity row. The dictionary should for each file
attribute map the attribute name to a tuple
containing the file name and an input stream.
data Dictionary mapping attribute name to non-file no Empty dictionary
attribute value for the entity row, gets merged
with the kwargs argument
**kwargs Keyword arguments get merged with the data argument no


session.add('Person', {'firstName': 'Jan', 'lastName':'Klaassen'})
session.add('Plot', files={'image': ('expression.jpg', open('~/first-plot.jpg','rb')),
        'image2': ('expression-large.jpg', open('/Users/me/second-plot.jpg', 'rb'))},


session.update_one("entityType", "id", "attribute", "newValue")

Updates a value of a specified attribute in a specified row in a specified entityType.

Argument Description Required Default
entity Fully qualified name of the entity yes
id The value for the idAttribute of the entity yes
attr Attribute to update yes
value New value of the attribute yes


session.add_all(entity, entities)

Creates new instances of an entity (i.e. adds new rows to the entity data table) and returns the ids.

Argument Description Required Default
entity Fully qualified name of the entity yes
entities List of dictionaries with the attributes of the entities yes


update = [{'id': '157', 'type': 'gnome', 'year': '1998'},
          {'id': '158', 'type': 'fairy', 'year': '1998'},
          {'id': '159', 'type': 'unicorn', 'year': '1998'}]

session.add_all("demo_sightings", update)


session.delete(entity, id)

Deletes row based on its id.

Argument Description Required Default
entity Fully qualified name of the entity yes
id Id of the entity that should be deleted yes


session.delete_list(entity, entities)

Deletes a number of rows based on a list of id's.

Argument Description Required Default
entity Fully qualified name of the entity yes
entities List of id's of entities that should be deleted yes



This function uploads a zip file based on the EMX format.

Argument Description Required Default
meta_data_zip A zip file containing an attribute, entities, packages file yes
(tsv/csv) to specify the meta data and optionally data
defined in the meta data files



Retrieves the metadata for an entity repository.

Argument Description Required Default
entity Fully qualified name of the entity yes


session.get_attribute_meta_data(entity, attribute)

Retrieves the metadata for a single attribute of an entity repository.

Argument Description Required Default
entity Fully qualified name of the entity yes
attribute Name of the attribute yes

results matching ""

    No results matching ""