Running the platform integration tests

If you've checked out the code and made changes to the platform, you may want to run the platform integration tests. These are some instructions on how to run the integration tests on your developer machine.

in Maven

To run integration tests in maven, call mvn clean verify. By default:

  • The build will expect a standard postgres database server to be running on default port that is accessible for user molgenis with password molgenis and database creation privileges
  • A new postgres database will be created for each run with timestamped name molgenis_test_yyMMddHHmmssSSS
  • A new empty elasticsearch cluster will be launched on random ports with timestamped clustername molgenisyyMMddHHmmssSSS.
  • The elasticsearch instance is configured from config files specified in src/test/resources/conf/elasticsearch. Since the tests use relatively small amounts of data, the configuration uses only 500 MB memory.
  • Both database and cluster will be removed by maven after the integration tests have finished

Using a pre-existing database

To run the integration tests on a pre-existing database, disable the create-it-db maven profile: mvn clean verify -P'!create-it-db'.

By default the build will connect to database molgenis_test on a local postgres installation, the username and password will both be molgenis. You can override these settings in the molgenis-platform-integration-tests pom.xml file or in command line parameters:

mvn clean verify -P'!create-it-db' -Dit_db_name=myname -Dit_db_user=postgres -Dit_db_password`

(No value means a blank password.)

Using a pre-existing elasticsearch cluster

To run the integration tests on a pre-existing elasticsearch cluster, disable the create-it-es maven profile: mvn clean verify -P'!create-it-es'

By default the index name will be molgenis, and the transport address will be localhost:9300. You can override these settings in the molgenis-platform-integration-tests pom.xml file or in command line parameters:

mvn clean verify -P'!create-it-es' -Delasticsearch.transport.addresses=localhost:12345`

In IntelliJ

When developing, you can run the integration tests as usual. The test code expects a postgres database to be running. You can configure the database credentials and jdbc url in src/test/resources/conf/

The code will not make any attempts to delete the integration test database and index. (But you can easily create and call a cleanup script yourself to use when needed.)

system properties

By default, IntelliJ reads system properties from your pom.xml and adds those to the test runs.

This won't work!

You should disable this feature:

  1. Go to preferences / Build, Execution, Deployment / Maven / Running Tests
  2. Uncheck the box labelled systemPropertyVariables

When building pull requests

A travis config file is added that shows travis how to build molgenis and execute the integration tests. These will be run on when you make a pull request to the github molgenis/molgenis repository. The integration tests run in maven in the postgres 9.6 database provided by travis. user is travis, database name is travis, password is blank The build script uses the default options to create a elasticsearch cluster.

Concurrent builds on a single machine

The maven build can handle concurrent builds on a single machine. It'll launch a new elasticsearch instance for each run. However, starting up additional elasticsearch instances can become rather slow for concurrent builds.

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